From ANTAR (Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation)'s May newsletter: Olympic champions Catherine Freeman and Ian Thorpe returned to Sydney's Telstra Stadium recently to launch Close the Gap, Australia's largest ever campaign to improve Indigenous health. They joined more than forty Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations in urging the Federal, State and Territory governments to commit to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation. An Indigenous child born in 2007 will live for 17 years less than a non Indigenous child, on average. Indigenous babies are twice as likely to die before their first birthday than non-Indigenous babies. At the launch, Ian and Catherine became the first people to add a hand to our new virtual Sea of Hands website. We are encouraging all Australians to add a hand to show their commitment to justice for Indigenous Australians. Once you add a hand, you can also send a letter to politicians asking them to commit to closing the gap.
Show your support:
Sign the Close the Gap pledge at: Bon Soir